FREE BOOK: Professional Builders Secrets

Uncover how custom home builders can generate more leads and more sales at higher margins, while delivering a better experience for their clients.

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Professional Builders Secrets is a SHORTCUT.
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It is NOT just another generic business coaching book on how to scale your generic business.
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It is NOT just about generating leads and signing more contracts - yet these secrets will help you to do that and exponentially MORE.
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It is NOT just about working less hours in your business - although this book will help you systemise your building company so it can operate independently MORE than you could ever imagine.
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It's a book containing all the systems and processes used by the top building companies in the world.
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Valued at $297
BONUS #1: Professional Builders Summit Recordings
Watch On-Demand...

✔ Unlimited access to all 15 expert speaker presentations covering every element of running a professional building company.
✔ Learn about business-critical topics, from using Artificial Intelligence to selling your building company.
✔ Take your building company to the next level by implementing the exact tools other professional building company owners use.
Valued at $197
BONUS #2: The Ultimate AI Toolkit For Builders


✔ 50+ AI tools hand-selected for residential construction companies.
✔ A step-by-step roadmap for implementing AI in your building company.
✔ Battle-tested prompts exclusively for home builders you can use to train Chat GPT.
✔ And MUCH more.
Valued at $97
BONUS #3: Bundle Of Free Resources

Get Instant Access To...

✔ Marketing Worksheet
✔ Marketing Content Ideas Swipe File
✔ Facebook Advertising Cheat Sheet
✔ Builders’ Qualifying Checklist
✔ Builders’ Sales Blueprint
✔ Objection Handling Cheat Sheet
✔ 90-Day Planning Template
✔ Secrets To Increasing Margins
✔ Construction Slot Planner
✔ Construction Financials Training

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What People Are Saying About Professional Builders Secrets
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Forget about what you think you know about the house building industry and start today by thinking about being in the business of getting clients and satisfying those clients... And if there is one road-map you need on your desk to help you on this journey - it's this one.
Kevin Lovewell, via Amazon
Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You Will Learn For FREE
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Discover how one of our members produced twelve months of high-quality content in just a couple of hours. We detail the exact process you need to follow to get the maximum value out of your content.
pg 21 - red
Learn how one builder signed more contracts in a single quarter than he had ever signed before. This business thrived in a time when most builders were struggling—all because of his content marketing strategy.
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Discover how a builder’s lead generation went from zero to over two hundred leads per month. All while actually decreasing his advertising spend, saving him $9,000!
pg 93 - red
Learn the pricing model that has helped thousands of custom home builders understand their fixed expenses, anticipate future costs, and determine how much needs to be added to ensure a net profit on every job.
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Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's Why...

We've only printed a few thousand copies of this book, and when they're gone... well, they're gone! If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But we reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

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Meet Russ and Sky
photo Russ
Russ is the Co-founder of APB and a data analysis expert, bringing data-driven decision-making to the residential construction industry.
photo Sky
As Co-founder of APB and a business operations specialist, Sky excels in taking complex business strategies and converting them into actionable step-by-step guides for building company owners.
About APB

We believe that residential home builders deserve to be earning more money for the service they are providing. We also believe that consumers deserve a far better service than they are currently getting.

But you can’t deliver a world-class service on tiny margins, or without having the proper systems in place.

That's where the Association of Professional Builders (APB) comes in. Our systems have built the foundations of more 8-figure building companies than any other coaching company in the world.

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