Professional Builders Secrets Book Resources
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Worksheet For Marketing Your Building Company:
Uncover your ideal client’s desires, fears and pain points so you can attract your ideal clients.
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Marketing Content Ideas Swipe File
40+ content ideas for you to implement in your building company’s marketing strategy.
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Facebook Advertising Cheat Sheet
Understand the types of Facebook Ads, pixels & conversions, audiences and budgets.
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Builders’ Qualifying Checklist
7 qualifying questions you must ask so you can qualify brand new leads on the very first phone call.
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Builders’ Sales Blueprint
Access the proven sales process for a building company and discover the #1 secret that successful builders are using to avoid having to build for problem clients.
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Objection Handling Cheat Sheet
The 7 most common objections you’ll hear from prospects and how to overcome them.
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90-Day Planning Template
Strategic 90 day planning template to set goals for your building company, targets and action items.
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Construction Financials Video Training
Video training covering the benchmarks for gross profit, net profit, advertising spend and fixed expenses.
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Professional Builders’ Secrets To Increasing Margins
#1 checklist for understanding construction financials and increasing your margins.
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Construction Slot Planner
Forecast the available construction slots in your building company.
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